
Submission Process

1Submit your abstract(both the word and PDF) to conference email address: The abstract document should be edited use the Abstract Format on the website. (.doc/ .docx/ .pdf formats)
For Style of Abstract, please download the format from below.
Deadline of the Abstract Submission June 20th, 2024 (Tokyo time)
2You will receive an ID code of AIUE2024 within 7 work days after your abstract submission. ID code is used to submit your full paper and register for the conference.Before 24:00 June 24th, 2024 (Tokyo time)
3Acceptance Notification of Abstract will send to you. 
4Please submit your full paper at the following URL.
The full paper document should be renamed with your ID code of AIUE2024 conference according to the following format. (“AIUE2024-XXX_full paper.docx”), and please complete the full paper registration form and send it to
Full paper Format AIUE2024
Full paper registration form (.xlsx)
Deadline of the Full Paper Submission:July 24th, 2024 (Tokyo time)
5The full paper will be reviewed. 
6Acceptance Notification of Full paper.Before August 25th, 2024 (Tokyo time)
7Please register the conference in time.Before August 30th, 2024(Tokyo time)

Abstracts and full papers must be e-mailed with the format of PDF and WORD to conference email address.
Email address: