Membership Registration Payment by Paypal or Credit Card,(need to add 5% for commission) Discounted Registration Fee for AIUE Members Onsite Conference Registration, for General participants 50,000J ¥52,500 JPY Onsite Conference Registration, for Student participants 30,000J ¥31,500 JPY Online Conference Registration, for General participants 55,000J ¥57,750 JPY Online Conference Registration, for Student participants 35,000J ¥36,750 JPY Paper publication fee, not attending the conference 60,000JPY ¥63,000 JPY Hotel Fee (Two nights,two people in Twin room : 36,000JPY/person ¥37,800 JPY Hotel Fee (Two nights,One Person in Double room:50,000JPY/person ¥52,500 JPY Please input Your ID Please input your NAME in English Payment by Bank(if you use transfer in a foreign country, you need to add 5000JPY for commission, please send your registration fee + Hotel fee +5000)